Alphabet Soup

Forever, I've been saying I need to start a blog.

I read my friends' blogs, I read food blogs, I read photo blogs. I also enjoy writing, and I don't do it nearly enough.

But I can also be lazy at times. Saying you're going to start a blog, and actually doing it are two entirely different things. And then I get caught up in what it should look like. That starts an entirely new obsession (mostly frustration), especially for a web designing novice like myself. Finally, I decided it's not as important what it looks like right now, I just need to do it.

So here goes.

(Drum roll....)

I've decided to start a food blog of sorts. Since I enjoy cooking, it will have recipes. And since I also enjoy eating out, it could include entries on restaurants. And really, it's my blog, so technically it can include whatever I want.

But I like themes. So I needed a theme.

As I was walking home from the gym today, the inspiration struck me. What if I start at the letter "A" and work my way through the alphabet for each post? It would give me some direction, a fun challenge, with tons of possibilities. I realize that only gives me 26 entries...but that's a good place to start. After that, maybe I'll start back over or come up with a new twist.

So without further ado, I present to you: "'E' is for EAT."