S is for: Simmer and Sear Cooking Class

The best part about being a self-taught chef is that I'm constantly learning new tricks and techniques. Whether it's trial and error, reading other food blogs or actually taking the initiative to sign up for a cooking class...I love learning more about food and how it's prepared.

Recently, I saw a Living Social coupon for half off a class in Russian Hill with Chef Anna Brincat at Simmer and Sear. She offers a variety of cooking class options, but this one happened to be an Italian cooking class taught in her apartment. (BTW....love her "EAT" sign on the wall).

Along with my friends Devon and Kim, we took a lunchtime class and made wild mushroom and chicken risotto with bruschetta. We were allowed to bring wine, and it was neat because you felt like you were being welcomed into a friend's home. I won't post the recipes or reveal *all* of her secrets, but I will share with you a couple of the helpful hints we picked up during our two-hour class.

 Among some of her tips of the trade Anna shared? The best way to perfectly dice an onion....

Storing fresh herbs in cups of water to ensure maximum freshness....

And thoroughly toasting the rice before adding any of the warm broth for the risotto. (Oh, and don't over-stir!)

Her method for juicy chicken includes a light scoring, pounding, breading in flour, searing on the stove, and finishing off in the oven. (And I must say, it was delicious!)

We used a mixture of different wild mushrooms, and also a mixture of dried and fresh. We then used some of the mushroom broth after our dried ones had finished soaking for some extra mushroomy taste in the risotto.

Anna's secret for the best-ever bruschetta? Lots and lots of olive oil. Like way more than you would think. That, and perfectly toasted baguette slices.

She can adjust each class to fit your cooking style and ability, so if you're interested in something fun and developing your kitchen skills at the same time, you should definitely check it out. Thanks Anna!

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