Monday, November 14, 2011

G is for: Great Expectations {Pecan Crusted Chicken Fingers}

Today is a very exciting day because I'm being featured over on my friend Kyna's blog, Great Expectations. I met Kyna and her husband Matt shortly after I moved to San Diego in 2003. They were literally my first friends in a new city. Now, they have an adorable little girl named Ellie, and Kyna writes a very successful blog in which Ellie is prominently featured.

She also likes to feature a "quick and easy" recipe every Monday...something that is delicious but easy to prepare for busy moms or just busy people in general. When I first started my blog, she asked if I would be interested in posting something on hers, and I jumped at the opportunity.

I decided to make these pecan-crusted chicken fingers. Who doesn't love chicken fingers? And these ones are great because they are healthier and more grown up than traditional chicken fingers, but kids should still like them too. So click here to head on over to Kyna's blog to get the recipe, and thanks again to Kyna for inviting me to be a guest blogger!


  1. Thanks Jaymee!! And I really, really, really LOVE your new blog look! It makes me happy every time I see it!
    ♥ Kyna

  2. Thanks Kyna! And thanks again for the invite. I just made some homemade hot pockets that I'll be posting next week...also super quick and easy! :)


I would LOVE to hear what you think. I read every comment and get a little giddy when I see someone has left one on the blog. Thanks for stopping by!