Thursday, November 24, 2011

H is for: Happy.


That's how I'm feeling right now as I sit with my family...full from our Thanksgiving meal, glass of wine in my hand, and football on TV. (And turkey stock simmering on the stove because I just can't help myself). I'm feeling extremely thankful on this Thanksgiving. I hope everyone is having a fabulous day of food and family. Thanks to my mom (Wendy), sister (Heather), and brother in law (Shaun) for making the trip to San Francisco and for helping out in the kitchen (and with the dishes).

Couldn't help but post a couple (OK a lot) of pics from our awesome day.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Our Thanksgiving table, minus the orange napkins. Well, most of it. We had a TV tray set up for overflow food.

Sourdough & sausage stuffing. (Or dressing...whatever you want to call it). This is an obscene amount of stuffing for 3 people (my mom doesn't like stuffing too much). However, we still plan on finishing all of it this weekend.

Kale salad with roasted butternut squash. I'll probably make this again for "K"'s SO good!

Grand Marnier Sweet Potatoes. Basically like eating dessert with dinner. MMMMMM. We also had the Grand Marnier Cranberries and the Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

Shaun (BIL!) was in charge of carving the turkey. Check out his sweet Movember beard. Sadly, I forgot to take a photo of the finished turkey. It's a was REALLY pretty. You'll have to take my word for it.

Green Bean Casserole (with homemade ingredients). Heather and I will be taking it upon ourselves to eat this entire dish in the next two days.

My first crack at homemade rolls. Not too shabby for a non-baker! I used whole wheat flour to try an make them a little healthier.

We will be eating the pumpkin pie later with vanilla bean whipped cream. Right now...TOO FULL.

And earlier in the day...made the Pumpkin Fondue again. This stuff is like crack dip for me.

And this seems like ages ago...but we had some cranberry apple streusel bread for breakfast (with Baileys and coffee)...perfect start to the day. (Notice the strategically place coffee cup...Go Cougs!)

And the one casualty of the day (besides our waistlines)...this sad little kitchen towel. (Who knew towels could catch on fire on a glass cooktop??) R.I.P. red and white checkered dish towel.


  1. Your thanksgiving feast looks so wonderful! I really wish I could cook like that. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you and your family Jaymee!

  2. Thanks Steph! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well! :)

  3. We missed your great cooking this Thanksgiving! What are you doing for 2012? ;)


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