Saturday, January 21, 2012

P is for: Pea Shoot & Arugula Pesto

I love pesto.

But in the winter, it's hard to get a good pesto fix. Especially if you like a good basil pesto. It's just not the same in the winter months. (Unless you freeze some in the summer, which I did...but it's now gone. Sad face).

But this week, I invented-slash-discovered pea shoot pesto. To me, pea shoots seem like something that should only be available in the spring and summer months. But miraculously, they keep showing up in my weekly CSA produce box, so I finally decided...these would be good in a pesto!

All you really need to do is toast the pine nuts until they're golden brown.

Then combine pea shoots, arugula, Parmesan, and pine nuts in a food processor.

Pulse until well combined and finely chopped. Drizzle in olive oil while processor is running until a thick paste forms. (I had some garlic oil I received for Christmas, so I used some of that).

Season to taste with salt and pepper and pulse a few more times to fully incorporate.

From there, do whatever you do with pesto. Personally, I tossed it with a freshly cooked, al dente, whole wheat pasta and garnished with a few extra pea shoots and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Mmmmm. Pesto. Happy face.

Pea Shoot & Arugula Pesto

by Jaymee Sire
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Keywords: condiment pesto pea shoot arugula pasta Italian

  • 1/4 pound fresh, young pea shoots
  • 1/4 pound arugula
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1/3 cup pine nuts
  • 2 cloves garlic, smashed and roughly chopped
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  1. Toast the pine nuts in a heavy bottom pan on the stove over medium heat until they're golden brown. Be careful...they can burn easily!
  2. Combine pea shoots, arugula, Parmesan, garlic and pine nuts in a food processor and pulse well combined and finely chopped. Drizzle in olive oil while processor is running until a thick paste forms. Season to taste with salt and pepper and pulse a few more times to fully incorporate.
  3. Toss with hot pasta or use as a condiment on grilled burgers or portabella mushrooms.
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  1. Your photography is beyond gorgeous! You are so talented Ms. Sire!

  2. I'm intrigued. This looks delicious!

  3. Yum! I agree with you - pesto anytime of the year. I actually had some today for lunch that I had frozen a few months ago! Love the addition of pea shoots and arugula! Will have to try.


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