Sunday, January 1, 2012

N is for: Night With the Girls {& Rose Jello Shots}

Rose jello shots for the most dramatic rose ceremony yet!
Everyone has their guilty pleasures.

Some of mine: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, processed cheese and The Bachelor/Bachelorette.

I know what you're thinking. The Bachelor? Really?

Like I said, it's a guilty pleasure. But even more than that, it's an excuse to get together with my girlfriends, drink wine, gossip and laugh. I remember when I first moved to San Diego. Monday nights became girls nights. We would rotate apartments, and everyone would bring food and wine (mostly wine).

That tradition continued when I moved to San Francisco. I didn't know a ton of people when I moved here, but I quickly bonded with the girls from work over vino while making fun of the drama queens. And later, when I moved to a new neighborhood, my friend Amy and I would switch off walking the five blocks to each other's place to continue the Monday night ritual.

So for the season debut of The Bachelor 16 (yes, there really have been 16), I just HAD to make something Bachelor-themed for the blog. Since my holiday jello shots and lemon peel jello shots were so wildly popular (both with my friends and on the blog) I started brainstorming and this is what I came up with: Rose Jello Shots!!!

Staying in the floral theme, I used Elderflower liquor, along with a rosé sparkling wine and pomegranate juice. I ordered these adorable rose molds and green lolly-pop sticks at Candyland Crafts, though I don't really think the sticks worked all that great as the shots were really small so they kept tearing. Once again, I must give credit to Jelly Shot Test kitchen as the starting point for inspiration and recipe ratios.

Will you please accept this rose?

It will be the most dramatic rose ceremony yet! And better yet, everyone gets a rose (or two). Cheers!

Pomegranate Rosé Jello Shots

by Jaymee Sire
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 4 hours

Ingredients (25-30 bite-sized shots)
  • 1/3 cup pomegranate juice
  • 1/3 cup sparkling wine (flat champagne is fine)
  • 2 tablespoons elderflower liqueur
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 3/4 to 1 package Knox gelatin (depending on how firm you want your shot to be)
Note: If you are making regular-sized shots instead of small rose molds, you'll want to double or triple these amounts
    1. Lightly spray molds with cooking spray and wipe out with a clean paper towel (this will leave just enough residue to help loosen them later). Set mold on a moveable, flat surface, such as a cookie sheet.
    2. Pour pomegranate juice into a small saucepan, sprinkle with gelatin. Allow gelatin to soak for a minute or two.
    3. Add sugar and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin and sugar are dissolved (approximately 5 minutes).
    4. Remove from heat and stir in champagne and elderflower liquor. Pour into molds and refrigerate until fully set (several hours or overnight).
    5. When ready to serve, pop out of molds and arrange on a platter.
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    1. These look amazing...perfect for my bf's bridal shower. I'm kind of the jello shot queen in my group - my last batch were Giants themed ;-)

    2. I love Jello Shot Test Kitchen too, and these are totally beautiful - excellent work!!!

    3. Ahhh, these are amazing for the season finale this Monday!! I am going to copy for sure, but have to order the molds first. Also thought you might find this interesting:


    I would LOVE to hear what you think. I read every comment and get a little giddy when I see someone has left one on the blog. Thanks for stopping by!